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tv   Shepard Smith Reporting  FOX News  April 19, 2017 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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broke through a locked screen door. wildlife officials think it got lost. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. here's shepard smith. >> shepard: it's noon at the west coast, 3:00 at the white house. reporters hammered the press secretary over president trump's comments about an aircraft carrier headed to north korea. remember, the president said an armada is on the way. it wasn't. the aircraft carrier in question, the u.s.s. carl vinson was actually sailing in the opposite direction. >> the president believes he might have spoken too quickly on the location of the vessel. >> how is the white house explaining to south korea and japan that during the build-up and missile launch, there was no u.s.s. carlton. >> shepard: they're explaining it. we'll hear about it. in georgia, a republican strong
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hold gets a shock to the system after a democrat forced a run-off. but he couldn't nail down an outright victory. so if this was a referendum on. trump what does that mean? first throw, a moment you may have missed at the white house briefing. the super bowl champ rob gronkowski checked in to see if sean spicer needed help about a question with trade. >> we'll see what pans out in the negotiation. can i just -- >> can i help? [laughter] >> i think i got this. thank you. thanks, man. see you in a minute. hold on. that was cool. >> shepard: may be cool if you're a pat's fan. let's get to it. we begin with breaking news. word that russia has just made a big move to help syrian regime.
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the same regime that has murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. u.s. officials tell fox news that bashar al-assad has moved all of his aircraft to a russian air base. this comes nearly two weeks after the u.s. navy launched 59 tomahawk missiles at a syrian air base and took out nearly two dozens of his jets. that in response to a chemical attack that killed 80 people and a lot of them children. the russians big supporters of bashar al-assad. so moving the aircraft to russian territory, a carefully calculated move. in a game of chess with global implications. meantime, the russians are making other moves flying nuclear capable bombers off the coast of alaska for the second straight night. this time coming even closer. this time 36 miles off the aleutian islands. the united states bought alaska from the russians almost exactly
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150 years ago. perhaps moscow misses it. more on that in a moment. jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. what exactly are you hearing out of syria? >> senior u.s. defense officials say in the wake of the u.s. tomahawk strike, syria moved all of their aircraft into a base along the coast. this is after the attack destroying two dozen jets. the syrian air force relocated in the past few days. yesterday there were 40 combat flights from that russian base, shep. >> shepard: i mentioned for a second night in a row, russian bombers capable of carrying nukes flew off the coast of alaska. they flew closer last night than
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they did monday. another russian provocation. is that how this is being seen? >> absolutely. this is, as you mentioned, the second consecutive night russia now two bear bombers off the coast of alaska. flying north of the aleutian islands. the two nuclear capable planes were spotted by u.s. military radar at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 5:00 p.m. local time. unlike a similar incident monday night, this time the u.s. air force did not scramble any fighter jets. instead, they launched a single century early warning aircraft known as awacs to make sure there were the on two bombers. u.s. territorial waters extend 20 nautical miles from shore. a day earlier, they approached the kodiak islands. what is notable about last
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night, the russian planes got closer and the u.s. air force decided not to scramble the jets. perhaps the u.s. commanders did not want to escalate the situation. >> shepard: perhaps. all this comes as russian officials are now accusing u.s. media outlets of meddling in russian elections. >> that's right. the moscow times, an english language newspaper is reporting the russian parliament is investigating u.s. media outlets based in russian and whether they illegally influenced the country's parliamentary elections in 2016. out lets like voice of america and cnn are being investigated according to the head of the state duma committee on information and communication. he said journalists work could have affected russian elections without providing any evidence. they're using a variety of instruments in respect to both the russian electoral process
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and in our country as a whole. can't make this up, shep. >> shepard: wouldn't even try. jennifer griffin, thanks so much. back to the breaks news. two bold moves by the russians this afternoon. let's turn to michael o'hanlan where he specializes in defense strategy from the brookings institute. the satellites are down or something, so he's on the phone with us. how do you see this, michael? >> shepard, i think it's a clever move by the syrians and the russians and the sort of thing you have to expect from them. when i say clever, i'm not condoning it, but these are tactical competitive military operations and engagements and the russians feel like we did a quick one over on them and they're going to come back and they played this game well. i don't think it surprised of any at all the assad uses chemicals. we should declare even if he's operating out of a base where
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there's russian plane, we're going to retaliate against the plane. we're not going to hit the bit. if we miss somebody, that's the mistake of the russians for allowing the syrians to use chemical weapons. this complicates things and it's the sort of thing i would expect from putin and assad. >> shepard: it would be the mistake of the russians, but could the effect be getting drawn further and possibly on the ground in this syrian civil war? >> i don't think so if the logic of it and the proportionality are carefully explained. so i'm just imagining hypotheticals here, shepard. what donald trump did a week or so ago, as much as i supported it, it didn't affect the broader use of barrel bombs. it was a specific message to assad, don't use chemical weapons. so if he uses chemical weapons again, president trump has an
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option to retaliate even with the syrian planes on the base. you should have a discussion to know which planes you want to hit and how confident you are no russians are around them. in so far as that particular message needs to be send again, i still think we can send it. we have at present no strategy for ending the syrian civil war. president obama doesn't have one. president trump in fairness has had 2 1/2 months the figure one out. we still don't have it. on a chemical issue itself, we still have things we can do by way if response if necessary. >> shepard: quickly on policy and messaging. on policy and message, would it behoove the united states to have an if then proposition? if you do this again, bashar al-assad, we'll do the following or is this unknown that president trump believes is a
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better strategy? >> there may be a strategy there. you covered the air strikes very well and the explanation was that the united states has a vital national security interest in chemical weapons not being used anywhere. we can reiterate that. that sends a message that if you use chemical weapons, we'll have to do something about it. time, place and manner of tour choosing. >> michael, as always, thanks. >> thank you, shepard. >> shepard: a u.s. aircraft carrier is headed to the korean peninsula. but president trump said there was an armada on the way last week. why the white house says the president was right all along, this is fox news channel. america's news for information on cable and we're just getting started. ♪ fun in art class.
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>> shepard: the u.s. navy war ships that president trump said was heading to the korean peninsula last week is now on the way. but it wasn't then. today reporters asked the white house to explain all the confusion. the response in a moment. the head of u.s. pacific command says the u.s.s. carl vinson finished up short training exercises in australia before heading north as a prudent
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measure. this comes as vice president pence said the era of strategic patience with north korea and its nuclear threat has ended. i want to show you on the wall the history of this. it was april 8 and we were told that the carrier left singapore headed to the sea of japan. you can see the locations there. the defense secretary jim mattis said officials cancelled planned exercises and president trump boasted about the move in an interview with fox business. now we know the carl vinson wasn't headed up north at all when the president said it was on fox business. instead, it went south. went from here down to here in the opposite direction from all the stuff going on in the bad ways and got to behave in north korea. the navy put out a picture on saturday. they put out this picture, which is how we found this out showing ship was not headed there somewhere, it was down here.
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some 2,500 miles from the korean peninsula. despite that, the white house claim they never talked about timing. there was nothing to clear up. the president did not speak too quickly. >> we put out a release talking about the group ending up in the korean peninsula. that's what it will do. i think we were asked about the use of the carrier group and what that meant. that's what we discussed. i would refer you back to any otherish you'res with that to the department of defense. the president said he had an armada going towards the peninsula. it happened. it's happening, rather. >> sean spicer referencing what president trump told fox business a week ago. here it is. >> we're sending an armada, very powerful. we have submarines, very powerful. far more powerful than the
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aircraft carrier. >> shepard: sending all that power, an armada. that was a week ago. in the time between the original announcement and today, not a single member of the administration pointed out that the warship was not heading directly to the sea of japan at all. according to the reporting of the "wall street journal" newspaper, which which we share a common ownership, a senior white house official blamed the mistake on the pentagon and said the pentagon didn't realize the error until tuesday. also, a second white house official said the white house didn't need to know last week that thement -- the pentagon didn't give misleading information. in other words, pentagon did it. the white house did not need to know where the ship was exactly. it gets more convoluted. the "wall street journal" cites
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a navy official who says "we certainly did not say that the carl vinson was headed to north korea and the vinson never got north korea as a final destination. amid all of this, kim jong-un and his regime are mocking the united states over the mishap and calling it all a bluff. more on that ahead. john roberts is live on the north line. what else is the white house saying about the very powerful warship? >> they're saying what are you talking about? there's nothing to see here. you think an aircraft carrier is hard to hide. apparently the white house did it. so a lot of questions at the briefing today about what did the white house know about the u.s.s. carl vinson and when did it know it. you pointed out that the interview with maria bartiromo was on tuesday. this seems to be portrayed as an urgent response to an urgent and growing threat. it looked according to satellite photos that they were preparing
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for a nuclear test and we're told that the united states was having this big show of force sending the strike force to the sea of japan when it was going the opposite direction. at the briefing, sean spicer said there's nothing misleading and what was said. >> what i was asked, what signal was sent that it was going there. it signalled foreign presence and a strength. you're asking me why you didn't know better. i don't know. that's a question that should have been followed up with pacom or the department of defense. the only question we were asked is what signal it sends. we answered it correctly. >> nothing misleading about what went down but clearly all confusing. >> shepard: jim mattis defends the carl vinson's moved.
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>> he's in riyadh, saudi arabia today. you have to look that it was the pentagon, the white house that all seemed to suggest that the ship was going in the direction toward the sea of japan, "steaming" was language that some people used. there were reports that the russians and the chinese had dispatched spy ships to shadow the carl vinson's strike group when actually it was thousands of miles away at the time. the defense secretary tried to clear that up today. here's what he said. >> the vinson, as i have said on the record, was operating up and down the western pacific. we said we're shifting here, instead of continuing one direction as she pulled out of singapore, she will continue part of her cruise down in that region, but she was on her way up to korea. >> so now it's perfectly clear. the one thing that people have
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not been able to tell us, why this was initially portrayed as being so urgent and imminent. that is, the movement of the u.s.s. carl vinson, when it was apparently neither imminent or urgent at all. >> shepard: north korea is making hay over the powerful armada move. we'll have that. plus, new propaganda from kim jong-un himself, the north korean dictator as he depicts missiles barrelling down on the united states. that's coming up. you do all this research
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switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> shepard: 22 minutes past the hour. north korea is taunting the united states over the trump administration's misleading statements about the u.s.s. carl
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vinson. north korean state-run media reports that "washington bluffed that it was a warning act." the hermit kingdom has been ratcheting up its rhetoric against the united states. kim jong-un played a marketing video. it showed multiple missiles striking the united states as a north korean chorus played live music. this is a still image. we don't really air propaganda here. north korea held a military parade and tried to test missiles that failed. u.s. officials say it failed seconds after take off. ben hall is live. what can you tell us, benjamin? >> shep, this is a bizarre piece of propaganda, the only time that you can find in pyongyang. it was celebrating the birth of the founder, kim il-song, full
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of orchestras and celebrating with music. it ended with a missile shooting over san francisco and finished with burning stars and stripes superimposed over white crosses in a cemetery. today the white house responded and they dismissed the video. >> this is not the first time they put out propaganda tools. we're not going to comment on it. >> if there was any hope that this dictator might give up his way, will change under international pressure is slipping away. >> shepard: and mike pence spoke on a ten of asia. >> that's right. it was planned some time ago. very much trying to bring allies together in light of this threat. he was speaking on the deck of the u.s.s. ronald reagan in
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tokyo bay. 2,500 sailors. he said the u.s. would do whatever they had to do. >> those that challenge our resolve or our readiness should know, we will defeat any attack and meet any use of conventional or nuclear weapons with an overwhelming and effective american response. >> but still, everything really resting on china and whether or not they will join this common idea, this common desire to make the korean peninsula denuclearized. many analysts say they're playing both sides, but the u.s. trying to bring china back in the fold. time will tell. >> shepard: thank you. the last time democrats held a seat in georgia's sixth congressional music, disco was sweeping the country. last night they had a chance to take the seat back for the first time since the 1970s. while democrats did not walk away with a win, they did force a run-off with the top
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republican contender. we'll look at what this means and the spin from both sides for politics in america. cops in fresno say a man pulled again and started murderering a man at random. we're hearing about what may have driven him to kill. we're approaching the bottom of the hour and the top of the news on fox news channel. men are superior drivers? yeah... yeah, then how'd i get this... safe driving bonus check? ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident free. silence. it's good to be in, good hands.
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. >> shepard: a fox report now. more headlines from the fox news deck. a school bus crash sending a dozen students to a hospital in idaho. the junior high kids were on their way to a track meet southeast of boise yesterday. they say the driver went off the right shoulder and overcorrected and flipped the bus. the sheriff says all of the children should be okay. a large fire burning in a company in florida forced hundreds of people to pack up and leave their homes overnight. that's what fire officials told our local fox station in tampa. this happened in polk county. no word on how the fire started
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and no reports of any injuries. a court hearing for a woman accused of breaking into the rapper drake's home and raiding his refrigerator. investigators in los angeles say the woman helped herself to some water and soda. apparently didn't take anything else. the court set her bail at $100,000. the news continues after this.
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>> shepard: republicans have gotten a major wake-up call. it happened on their own turf. the gop yesterday narrowly avoided losing georgia's sixth congressional district for the first time in decades. now there's going to be a run-off and what some say is a referendum on president trump. the two candidates are democrat john ossoff, a former congressional staffer that would be one of the youngest representatives to serve this district and republican karen
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handel. they were among 18 candidates running to fill the senate seat that tom price left behind when he became president trump's health and human services secretary. the district is in the atlanta suburbs and has been in republican hands since the carter administration. but when the polls closed last night, john ossoff had won 48% of the votes. just shy of the 50% he needed to win outright. karen handel got 20% putting her in the top spot among the rest or the republicans in the race. president trump had blasted john ossoff ahead of yesterday's vote. he reported a robo call warning voters that ossoff would raise your taxes, flood your country with illegal immigrants. then he declared victory for republicans on twitter before the race was called. he wrote despite major outside money, fake media support and 11 republican candidates, big r win with run-off in georgia, glad to
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be of help. he tweeted a lot about it. sean spicer said the run-off result was a big loss for democrats. >> they said their goal last night was to win the race with over 50%. they spend $8.3 million. they didn't run for a run-off. they ran to win and they lost. >> shepard: spicer said the democrats threw everything including kitchen sink at this special election and didn't get it done. jonathan serrie is in the newsroom. jonathan, the run-off changes the dynamic. >> it does. it makes it harder for democrats. before last night, john ossoff was benefitting from a splintered republican field. the republicans had 11 candidates in the race. they were all fighting with each other and splitting the conservative vote. now that the race is narrowed down to a one-on-one contest, reality sets in. ossoff is a democrat running in a republican district. >> he's got to instantly go to the middle. we as democrats, we have to understand that the ultimate
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goal here is to win. >> no republican is excited about any one of their candidates. we're all excited -- independents are excited about john ossoff. republicans are excited about john ossoff because he's running on the right issues. >> now, whether that is wishful thinking or reality, john ossoff needs to make it happen because he can win just by reaching out to democrats alone. he has to win votes from independents and moderate republicans in the district, shep. >> shepard: so is this thinking that the republican karen handel has this in the bag for the run-off? >> well, republicans are growing in optimism, cautious optimism. karen handel enjoys strong name recognition in the state. not only was she the secretary of state, but she ran for governor and also u.s. senate. >> she can't pretend to be an outsider. she's going to have to be an independent experienced voice who can represent the mainstream
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republican values of this district. in a way that john ossoff can't. >> handel is also going to need to unite republicans in the district, a district where republicans are not all on the same page when it comes to the new administration in washington. donald trump carried this district by less than 2%. >> beating ossoff and holding this seat that has such great legacy in tom price and the hands of a republican is something and new that rises above any one person, and that takes all of us staying together. >> because this run-off election is scheduled for june 20, both campaigns have to maintain voter interest at a time when people are going to be preparing for summer vacation. >> shepard: thanks. let's go to devin from politico. he has an article on
12:36 pm sean spicer says big loss for democrats. is he real? is he right? >> yes, sean says it's a big loss for democrats. democrats are quick to say that this is a big win for them because they got to 48% in a district that tom price used to win by 24 points. but spicer was right in that democrats were certainly trying to get to that 50% point and now what they're wondering, when are they going to win the special congressional elections. they're doing better than anybody thought, but they're not winning them yet. these are red seats. >> shepard: tell us about all the help that ossoff got in the district. >> he got an unprecedented amount of money coming in from around the country. almost $9 million, which is unheard of in two months. hollywood flooded in to help him. national democrats really tried to put a lot of support on him. really what they're trying to do is have a knock-out blow and
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they want to build this race up as a referendum on donald trump. they saw this as an opportunity. hillary clinton nearly won this district in red georgia just a few months back. >> shepard: thanks, gabriel. police say shootings in california had nothing to do with tear rim. kori ali muhammad shot a security guard at a motel 6 last week. trace gallagher picks up the story. what else do we know about the suspect? >> shep, there appears to be more evidence why police think the killing spree is race related. as we look at the social media accounts, there's several profanity laced racist rants to
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call on black warriors to ride up and mount out. he posted to a youtube video talking about why devils and demanding for justice for his black kin. he has a long history for making terrorist threats, false impresonment and drug dealing and he was diagnosed with psychosis with a substantial degree of paranoia. despite that, police say he was in a clear state of mind during the shooting. listen. >> i had arrived on scene and immediately upon seeing me, he made a spontaneous statement. i'm sorry, chief. he was placed back in the car. so we had no doubt that he had his mental faculties about him at that point in time. >> and police believe muhammad did act alone in the shootings. >> shepard: police were able to respond almost immediately, trace. >> yeah, almost immediately. the entire shooting spree happened in about a month.
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the death toll could have been higher if it wasn't for the gunshot detection system called shot spotter. it's a network of sensors about fresno that alerts police when shots are fired. the system pinpoints the location of gun fire, how many shots and the number and type of weapons involved. we have also learned from the fresno bead that one of the victims has been identified as 34-year-old pacific gas and electric employee zachary randall. he was on his first ride-along with the company when he was shot. he leaves behind a young son and a daughter. >> shepard: trace gallagher in los angeles, thank you. china is responding to a word that they're letting ivanka trump do more business in china now that her father is the leader of the free world. beijing signed off on trade deals the very same day that the daughter had dinner with the
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chinese president. what ivanka is staying and we'll talk to an editor from the a.p. and hear how ivanka trump is responding next.
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>> shepard: an official in china says that country is not giving president trump's daughter ivanka any special treatment after approving new trade marks for her company. the spokesperson for the foreign ministry says that china treats all applications equally. the associated press reports trump's company won approval for five new trade marks since her dad took office. the company got provisional approval for three on april 6. that is the exact same day that ivanka went to dinner with the chinese president at the mar-a-largo estate. in a statement, the president of ivanka trump's brand says we have recently seen a surge in trademark filings trying to capitalize on the name and it's
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our responsibility to diligently protect our trademark. trish wilson is here. she's a reporter for the associated press. thanks, trish. >> thanks for having me. >> shepard: is this okay? >> which part? >> shepard: well, i mean, if china is giving her preferential treatment -- i guess there's no proof of that, is there? >> there's no proof of any preferential treatment. that's not what we reported. we just laid out what happened. >> shepard: tell us what happened. >> what happened is that since ivanka has joined the white house, she's struggling with figuring out how to separate her name from her company. if you think about it, that's a hard thing to do, to separate your name from yourself. so when it comes to the businesses, she's -- her company, her brand, which is no longer managed by her day to day, but is still owned by her is doing business in countries all over the world. in some cases looking to expand
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its businesses by asking for these trade marks while at the same time ivanka is in the white house counselling her father about issues in those very came countries. >> is there full disclosure on the part of this company? >> no, there's not full disclosure. it's a private company. they don't have to disclose anything it doesn't want to disclose besides whatever the rules are in terms of its own filings in delaware. it does not have to say which trade marks are for expansion and in which countries and which aren't. when we say the trade marks that were approved in china, are they defensive, which means are you applying for these trade marks to protect your brand from somebody else coming in and hijacking the name of ivanka trump on your products, is it defensive or not. after some time the brand did say the china trade marks are defensive. so we went back and said, okay,
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that means for the handbags and the spa treatment and the jewelry? well, then there's no comment. so that's not what i would call full disclosure. when we ask the brand what is going on with the trademarks in the philippines on the trademarks in canada or puerto rico, are those defensive or not? they say no comment. that's not full disclosure. >> shepard: the question at the heart of this is and would be to any one in this position, are you using the name of the president, the presidency and the office in an effort to further your own business interests. >> well that's a question some people have asked and ivanka has clearly said no, i'm not doing that. i have separated myself from this company, i'm recusing myself from anything that might benefit my company and everything is fine. but the question is, well, if there's no disclosure and you can't really separated your name from your company and you're sitting next to the president of china on the same day that you
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have won preliminary approval for trade marks, is there an appearance of conflict of interest? we know the answer to that. >> shepard: it's an interesting article and it's on your associated press app on your phone if you have one. thousands upon thousands of protesters promising their biggest demonstrations yet. coming up what is behind the bloo bloody revolt playing out right now in venezuela and why it matters to the entire world? this country is being ripped apart and the details are next. real cheese people get it. that post lunch, post dinner, i need something sweet craving. new sargento sweet balanced breaks,
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>> shepard: family members and lauren for aaron hernandez said there was no warning that he was about to kill himself. the former nfl start and convicted murderer died after
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authorities say he hung himself with a bed sheet which he attached to a window in his prison cell. all of this from a department of corrections spokesman that said guards found him after 3:00 a.m. at the prison outside boston. just today, the new england patriots visited the white house to mark their super bowl win. five days ago, hernandez got emotional when jurors acquitted him of a double murder. he was already serving a life sentence for shooting and killing oden lloyd. hernandez played for the patriots for 3 seasons and signed a $40 million contract extension before his legal troubles began. his defense attorney, jose baez who recently represented him in the murder trial said there will be a full investigation into his death. he's suggested it could have been something other than
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suicide. they're calling this the mother of all protests. tens of thousands of demonstrators packed venezuela's capitol to protest the country's president. things turned violent as predicted and a teenager has died according to a hospital director. witnesses say police fired tear gas at the demonstrators there were reports of fighting who support the president there. this follows weeks of demonstrations after the supreme court in venezuela took away power from opposition lawmakers. some images in our slide show for you this afternoon. here's the clouds of smoke or tear gas cover the protesters. the president vowed yesterday to crack down and crack down hard. here's more demonstrators. across of anti-demonstrators here. the woman in the middle holds a sign that reads "no more
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dictatorship." the president claims that the united states is trying to overthrow him. here's another demonstratener the clouds of smoke all around. steve harrigan has the news and live this afternoon. feels like that nation is getting ripped to shreds. >> it certainly is. the economy is in a free fall. you're talking about the violence there. six people killed in the past two weeks of demonstrations. one 17-year-old young man also shot in the head and killed this morning. you're making the point why this is so important and important to the u.s. it's an attempt to establish a dictatorship in our back yard in a country with more oil than any other country. that's what this man, a one-time bus driver and the heir to hugo chavez is trying to do. he failed shutting down the assembly. that failed. this is a one-manpower grab.
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we've seen it in past year. the protesters are older and they're not just college students but people desperate to feed themselves and their families. there's a sense of desperation, people willing to risk violence to protest this grab for dictatorship. >> what is meduro saying? >> he's repeating the line that we've heard for 18 years of socialism in venezuela. the u.s. is behind this, they want to grab venezuela's oil. what is worrisome is he's trying to go beyond that. he wants to give 500,000 civilians a rifle and a uniform. he wants them to fight for his revolution. so it's ugly now with six dead but could get uglier. >> thanks, steve. it was the shot heard around the world that eventually gave the world a new country. that happened on this day in history.
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president george h.w. bush. his spokespeople say he's still in the hospital but in high spirits and looking forward to going home after what doctors are calling a mild case of pneumonia. that's the word from his spokesperson that said president bush went to a hospital in houston because he had a persistent cough. the 92-year-old will stay in the hospital at least one more night. they assure us he's getting better, getting stronger and his wife, barbara, is "constantly" by his side. on this day in 1775, america's fight for independence began in earnest. the colonists faced off against british troops in the opening bat that will would become the revolutionary war. the red coats outnumbered the americans and quickly defeated
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them. british troops went on to concord and things were different thanks to the warning of a guy named paul revere. the colonists surrounded the red coats that were treated to boston, losing hundreds of men along the way. american independence would come eight years later after the first shots rang out 242 years ago today. we're waiting for a live news conference from the state department. this one could be absolutely fascinating. think what is about to happen. rex tillerson, the secretary of state, has just returned from a trip to russia where we know he sat down with his russian counterpart and vladimir putin. as the russians ratchet up their partnership, if you will, with the syrian dictator bashar al-assad. it's a live news conference coming from the state don't and fox news channel will have live
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coverage. the dow, not a great day. if every day were up, you wouldn't have time to celebrate, would you? have a great afternoon. i'll see you later. >> neil: all right. thank you, shepard. we are keeping an eye on what's going on in state department here. we're keeping an eye on the big sell off at wall and broad. a lot of this from the comments from the speaker of the house when he sounded optimistic about getting tax cuts done. but if it drafts to the late summer, so be it. that's the gist of it. wall street seized on it that these guys are in no rush to get this done. tax cuts delayed might be tax cuts denied. there's earnings news that hasn't been consistently robust for a market that is still advanced heavily since the